Our highly effective tick control plan for government training centers led to us being honored with two Small Business Achievement Awards from the Department of Homeland Security, recognizing our outstanding contributions to public health and safety.
Dangers Of Ticks:
Ticks themselves generally cause local irritation rather than being dangerous. However, the real risk lies in the diseases and bacteria transmitted through their saliva. In some cases, an allergic reaction to tick saliva can lead to conditions like “Tick Paralysis,” exacerbating health concerns.”.
Ticks can transmit a variety of diseases through their bites, including:
– Anaplasmosis
– Babesiosis
– Ehrlichiosis
– Lyme Disease
– Rickettsia Parkeri Rickettsiosis
– Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
– Tularemia
These illnesses underscore the importance of effective tick management and prevention strategies to safeguard public health.
In 2012, the CDC documented 805 confirmed cases of Lyme disease in Virginia and 1,113 in Maryland. However, experts believe these figures vastly underestimate the true prevalence of the disease in both states.
RTEC Tick Management Plan:
Our tailored tick management plan is crafted specifically for your property’s requirements, overseen by a Certified Arborist with extensive expertise in tick control. This comprehensive strategy includes:
- Identify High Risk Areas On Your Property
- Keep Pests That Transmit Ticks Out Of Your Yard
- Create A Barrier To Suppress Ticks Populations Around High Use Areas Of The Property
- Cover all areas of skin when walking trough tall grass or wooded areas.
- Discourage wild animals from entering your backyard.
- If a tick attaches to your skin, use fine tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull in an upward, steady motion.
- Once removed, clean the area with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water.
- If a rash of fever occur, consult medical physician.
- Invest in a Tick Management Plan