2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
Signs Your Tree Is a Safety Hazard: It's important for homeowners to take a look at their tree to see if it’s dangerous.
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Signs Your Tree Is Sick: Are your trees quietly suffering from stress, disease, or insect infestation? Do you know what signs to look for?
Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive species that has been found across the eastern United States and is making it's way to the DC Metro area. Learn what signs to look for and how to manage it.
Signs Of Spring Fungal Leaf Diseases: If you notice any of these signs of fungal leaf diseases on your plants, it's essential to take action.
Caterpillars can do a lot of damage quickly to trees. We've created a guide of common caterpillars in the DC Metro area and the level of damage they cause.
Horse Chestnut Leaf Blotch: also known as horse chestnut leaf miner, is a common and widespread fungal disease that affects trees.
The Ambrosia Beetle is a destructive wood-boring insect that preys on weak trees, bringing with it a deadly fungus that will kill the tree.
Shot Hole Fungus: commonly affects stone fruit trees such as cherry, peach, plum, and apricot. Here's an overview:
Common Rose Diseases: Roses are susceptible to various diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Here are the most common diseases: