2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
Are you seeing a decline in your Roses, Crape Myrtles, Japanese Maples, Plums or other ornamental plants? Japanese Beetles may be to blame.
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Trees get cavities too but not because of too many sweets.Trees can develop cavities for many reasons including over mulching and buried root collars.
Many may rejoice when they see new sprouts from the trunk of a declining tree, however, new sprouts signal that the tree is in the last stages of decline.
SmartTreat™ process is a highly effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management in our suburban environment. Less Chemicals More Results
Sawflies can completely defoliate your tree or shrub in a few short days. Our Arborists suggest keeping a close eye on your Spruces, Cedars, and Pine trees.
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is considered the most destructive urban forest pest ever seen in North America. Learn more about treatment!
The boxwood blight, also known as “box blight” was introduced to the US in 2011 when NC, Virginia, and Connecticut experienced outbreaks in nurseries.
Deer damage can be costly, unsightly, and even pose a health risk. During the harsh winter months when the food supply is low, deer will feast on your plants and tear apart your gardens.
Scale are tiny creatures that attach themselves to trees/shrubs. Tree Scale feed on the sap and cause stunted growth, yellow leaves, and dead branches.