As autumn slowly approaches, we shift our focus onto armoring our trees and shrubs for the hard winter that lays ahead. Most people tend to think of trees as being self-sufficient – perfect systemized beings that endure whatever comes their way. Despite their admirable resilience, even the hardiest of trees need a boost. The simplest way to help your plants out this fall is with a fall bio-stimulant! Whether you have new plantings, mature trees, or woody shrubs, fall bio-stimulants will optimize your plant’s health just in time to combat winter stress!
In this article we will explain why our all natural organic bio-stimulants are the single best thing you can give your trees this autumn!
How to Prep Your Trees for Spring Today

Winter is typically the harshest season for trees and shrubs to endure, so it is important that we help prepare them for the fight. To ensure your tree makes a full comeback in spring, you must prepare it in the fall. Don’t worry, RTEC will know exactly what your tree needs. We offer a variety of services tailored to preparing your property for autumn and winter.
- Fall Bio-Stimulants: If you can only get one plant health care service from RTEC, we recommend getting bio-stimulants! We apply them twice a year, usually in the spring and in the fall. It is the best way to give your plants the nutrients they need over winter!
- Winter Pruning: Depending on the type of tree you have, you may need to get your trees pruned at different times of the year. Trees that are pruned too early run the risk of drying out too soon.
- Anti-desiccants: We all know that with winter comes cold air that dries out our skin. Much like we tend to stock up on our favorite winter lotion, trees also need extra moisture to fend off winter dryness! You can protect your evergreens from winter burn and drought stress with our anti-desiccants.
- Horticultural Dormant Oils: One of the best ways to prevent new generations of pests from emerging in the spring is by stopping them in the winter. Our horticultural oil smothers overwintering populations, reducing the probability of a pest outbreak in spring!
What are Bio-Stimulants?

Early this year, Congress introduced the Plant Biostimulant Act of 2022. This comes as an amendment to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, to add an official definition for biostimulants as follows,
“…a substance, micro-organism, or mixture thereof, that, when applied to seeds, plants, the rhizosphere, soil, or other growth media, act to support a plant’s natural processes independently of the biostimulant’s nutrient content, including by improving nutrient availability, uptake or use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and consequent growth, development, quality, or yield.”
In other words, bio-stimulants are similar to a multi-vitamin for trees. It is an all natural alternative to fertilizers that boosts the overall health of your trees. Our bio-stimulants are made up of various naturally occurring humic acids that act as a catalyst for beneficial processes. Aside from humic acids, bio-stimulants can also be composed of seaweed extract, protein hydrolysates, microbes, or inorganic compounds. We apply our organic bio-stimulants directly into the soil, which allows trees to uptake it in rain or shine! This also makes the process safe for beloved pets.
How Bio-Stimulants Support Tree Growth

Our plants are constantly battling against environmental stressors such as pests, diseases, and are at the mercy of the weather. While it may not seem like much at the time, the accumulation of this stress weakens a tree’s ability to ward off serious ailments that can eventually kill it. Just as we double up on vitamins when cold and flu season starts, we need to make sure our trees are getting the same attention!
Plants in urban and suburban areas are often planted in compacted soil. This can diminish the ability of your plant to get access to essential minerals. It also results in the need for frequent applications of fertilizers and additional watering. This will cost you more time and more money. By applying fall bio-stimulants you will optimize the health of your tree before the tough winter begins.
Some amazing benefits of bio-stimulants are:
- Bio-stimulants assist plants in recovering from pest and disease damage. While bio-stimulants are not a treatment against any particular pest or disease, they do provide plants with the nutrients needed to recover from the stress.
- Bio-stimulants stimulate root growth. A healthy tree is a growing tree! Bio-stimulants can make roots develop stronger, improving your plant’s foundation.
- Bio-stimulants enhance the uptake of essential nutrients. Our liquid formula is directly absorbed through the root system, which allows the beneficial minerals to be readily available when the tree needs it!
- Bio-stimulants protect against environmental stressors. Seasonal issues, such as drought or frost, can take a toll on our plants. Additionally, physical damage, such as lawnmower cuts also make plants more susceptible to pests and disease.
Talk to an RTEC Arborist Today!
Don’t wait until spring to find out if your trees are healthy. Call RTEC Treecare today, and we will make sure your trees have everything they need for their winter journey! Our experts will know exactly how to equip your plants with the best regiment.
Give yourself one less thing to stress about this holiday season, get your trees protected today with fall bio-stimulants!

Do You Have A Fall Bio-Stimulant?
Call us at 703-573-3029 to talk with our team!
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