2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
The answer is surprising to some, but buying a real tree for the holidays is more eco-friendly than an artificial one.
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Winter burn can leave your Evergreens brown and dead looking. Antidesiccants can keep your trees healthy all winter long.
ARE YOU STARVING YOUR TREE?: Bio-Stimulants are a combination of organic microbial inoculations that are injected into the critical root zone soil to increase root growth.
Mulching is a great technique to utilize when caring for trees. However; too much of a good thing is never actually good. Learn mulching tips and warnings!
DON’T LET YOUR TREES BECOME A NIGHTMARE: Pruning trees yourself is not a good idea. many people will use harmful techniques.
Obviously, a fallen, storm damaged tree should be removed. But what about a tree with minor damage? How can a homeowner tell if a tree is safe?
Watering Your Trees, Trees receiving inadequate amounts of water will exhibit wilting, leaf scorch, and dropping of leafs and branches.
Don’t become a victim of hurricane season protect your home and your family by following the tips to survive hurricane season listed below.
There are a lot of wives tales out there that are dangerous to trees and people. Protect yourself by learning about 6 Common Tree Care Myths Today!