On-Demand Tree Pruning Services

simplici-TREE Program

RTEC Treecare seeks to make your life easier by providing the most convenient solutions to fit your lifestyle. If you do not have time to meet with an Arborist and go over detailed recommendations for your property, but still want the highest standard of care by some of the best professionals in our area, then our easy online tree maintenance package might be the right fit for you!
Canopy Protection Program

The absolute highest quality available

Canopy Protection Program


Environmentally responsible solutions

Here’s how it works

Step 1

You select from our menu of options:

Leave Debris
Half Day

Leave Debris
Full Day

Haul Debris
Half Day

Haul Debris
Full Day

Step 2

Tell us how urgent your project is:

Regular scheduling (within 4-6 weeks)

Efficiency scheduling (within 2 weeks)

Rapid scheduling (within 1 week)

Urgent scheduling (schedule for tomorrow!)

Step 3

An arborist will come by and create a general work plan for our crew, detailing highest priority items.

Step 4

We send you a copy of the general work plan, so you know what to expect.

At this step, the Arborist will also let you know if your project requires any special coordinations which might delay the start of your work and/or increase the price of your project. Special coordinations may include:

Permit / Permission for tree removal

Neighbor’s Written Permission

Coordination with power company or other utilities


**NOTE: We can’t guarantee that all the work on the work plan will be done, and sometimes we may have time for more work than we anticipated. The plan is just a general idea of what the Arborist thinks is feasible during the time period you’ve specified.

Step 5

Our crew comes out to perform the work and takes a before + after photo

Step 6

We will send you an invoice detailing all the work that was done, as well as any additional recommendations the Arborist has for your property which we were unable to get to. Invoices include an easy online payment link so you can securely submit your second payment installment online!

ALL packages include:

Three highly qualified tree care professionals

Pruning for mature shade trees and some ornamental trees

Pruning of dead, broken, diseased, and dying branches and pruning to reduce encroachment on structures.

Packages do NOT include:

Removal of mature shade trees

Pruning of ash trees infested with Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) OR any trees infected with Hypoxylon canker, as these conditions cause trees to become too hazardous to climb. **NOTE: If we identify these issues during your session, we will notify you and recommend additional services

Stump grinding

Disposal of large trunk wood

Additional coordinations which might be necessary (fees will apply for power line coordination, assistance with permitting process, and other coordination needs)

Overtime, additional crew members, specialty equipment rentals


Half Day
Starting at


Full Day
Starting at


Half Day
Starting at


Full Day
Starting at

Have Questions?

Request an appointment with an arborist