Tree Leaves Not in Bloom?
Around our area, the earliest blooming/leafing trees typically begin to leaf out around mid to late March, according to the USA National Phenology Network.
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How Do Trees Leaves Know When To Bloom/Leaf Out?
Tree Leaves decide to leaf out and wake up from their dormant state based on a combination of signals including the weather becoming warmer, the days getting longer/increase in the amount of sunlight, the soil becoming warmer, and nutrients & water becoming more available. This combination of signals triggers an internal change that prompts the tree/shrub to grow new leaves and take advantage of the favorable growing conditions.
My Neighbor’s Trees Leaves are Out But Mine Aren’t. Should I Worry?
No, there are a lot of aspects that go into the timing of trees blooming and leafing out. Your neighbor’s tree could be getting more sunlight which can cause it to bloom/sprout faster or could even be a tree species that blooms earlier in the season.

- Early Blooming/Sprouting Tree Species:
- Birch
- Willow
- Cherry
- Eastern Redbud
- Alder
- Lilac
- Maple
- Buckeye
- Late Blooming/Sprouting Tree Species:
- Oak
- Elm
- Hickory
- Walnut
- Ash
- Mulberry
- Sassafras