When it comes to tree removal, homeowners usually want a package of tree removal, wood removal/disposal, and stump grinding. Each of these add-ons can raise the overall cost of the job.

Tree Removal:
This is the act of cutting down the tree. When you only purchase a tree removal without the add-ons below the entire tree will be left laying on your property.
Wood Removal / Disposal:
If you would like the tree and debris removed from your property make sure your quote includes wood removal/disposal (sometimes called “haul wood”). Tree companies have to pay to dispose of this wood and it takes extra time, which is why wood removal/disposal will add cost to your tree removal.
If you are concerned about the environment make sure your tree company is recycling the wood.
Stump Grinding:
Stump Grinding is the act of grinding down tree stumps that result from tree removal to avoid trip hazards. Rotting stumps are an attraction for insects and fungi. To avoid potential infestation of your existing trees, stump grinding should be performed. Because this takes extra time and equipment, stump grinding will add costs to your tree removal.
Cost of Tree Removal:
The cost of removing a tree depends on a number of factors including location, size, and additional services. Watch the video below to go step by step through these factors to get a better idea of the cost of tree removal in Northern Va, DC, and Maryland.
When To Remove A Tree?
Removing a tree lowers your property value, increases your energy bills, and hurts the environment which is why we don’t suggest taking down healthy trees. However, if a tree is a safety hazard it is important to remove it as soon as possible.
Consider the factors below when deciding whether to remove a sick tree or try and save it.
Species: Is this type of tree prone to pests & other problems? If it is you may incur costly treatments for the rest of the tree’s life.
Age: Is the tree young, mature, or over-mature? A young tree till has a lot of life in it; however, a mature tree, or over-mature tree may only have a few years left and may be weaker and less likely to survive damage than a young tree.
Vigor: What health condition was the tree in before the damage? If the tree was perfectly healthy before the damage it will be easier to restore its health. But if your tree was already sickly or in bad health before this new damage it may be best to remove the tree.
Value: Does the tree have sentimental meaning to you or is the tree vital piece of your landscape? If so saving the tree may be extremely important to you.
Tree Removal Regulations:
When you contract with RTEC we will work with you and your local municipality to make sure you have all the necessary permits.
Many HOAs have restrictions on the removal of vegetation. Contact your homeowners association to inquire.
DC: https://ddot.dc.gov/page/ddot-special-tree-removal-permit
A permit is required to remove “special trees”. Special trees are between 44” and 99.9” in circumference. Apply for a permit through the Transportation Online Permitting System (TOPS).
If your tree is greater than 100″ in circumference it is classified as a Heritage Tree. Removal of a Heritage Tree in healthy condition is prohibited.
Arlington: https://environment.arlingtonva.us/trees/care-for-trees/tree-removal/
Typically no permit is required to remove trees on private property.
If your tree is within a Resource Protection area (within 100 feet of a stream) you will need permission from the Department of Environmental Services.
If the tree is within a historic area and more than 15 inches in diameter you need a permit from the historic Affairs and Landmark Review Board.
Falls Church City: http://www.fallschurchva.gov/1685/Tree-Permits
Must use company on approved Falls Church Contractor List (RTEC is one of the approved Contractors) http://www.fallschurchva.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6353
Must receive permit for Specimen Trees. These will only be granted if the tree is dying or dangerous. http://www.fallschurchva.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6314
Building project that require a stormwater permit must also provide a landscape conservation plan including an assessment of existing trees, tree protection plans, and required replanting.
Alexandria City:
No regulation for tree removals on private property
Fairfax County: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpwes/navbar/faqs/treecare.htm
No regulation prohibiting removal of individual tree on private property. In certain circumstances, like those below, you may need permission or a permit.
Removing trees or stumps on more than 2,500 square feet of your property requires a permit.
If your property is a Resource Protection Area (RPA) or conservation easement you are only permitted to remove trees that are dead, dying , or diseased and will need evaluated by county representatives.
Montgomery County https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/green/trees/permits-and-concerns.html
A homeowner will need a permit to remove a tree on private property in the circumstances listed below
In A Conservation Easement http://montgomeryplanning.org/planning/environment/forest-conservation-and-trees/conservation-easements/
In A Historic Area http://www.montgomeryplanning.org/historic/instructions/historic_area_work_permits.shtm
If you are disturbing more than 5,00 square feet of canopy or soil you will need a sediment control permit and must comply with Tree Canopy Law.