2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
How Legislation Can Save the Lives: 23 Tree Workers Died of Electrocution Despite OSHA Regulations in 2016.
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Invasive Plants are species of plants that are not native to the local ecosystem and whose introduction causes economic harm, environmental harm, or harm to human health. Invasive species compete directly with native species for moisture, sunlight, nutrients, and overall space.
“Trees live perfectly fine in the forest without help so why do I need to care for my tree?” The fact is urban trees face a different environment and different challenges that make them harder to care for than rural forest trees.
Types of Live Christmas Trees: Find Out Which Christmas Tree Your Family Should Choose! Learn The Pros & Cons Of Each Type Of Christmas Tree.
Are ladybugs invading your home? You’ll be surprised to learn these aren’t actually ladybugs. Instead, they are invasive Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles.
Why Children Need Vitamin "G" & Celebrating Earth Day: Children have an innate connection with nature, but as they grow up it fades.
Learn how the cherry blossoms came to be, how we're keeping the traditional alive while the trees are dying, and the 2017 Peak Cherry Blossom Times.
In this Benefits Of Trees article, we will go over how your yard trees directly affect your home, family, and the environment with real cash examples.