2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
Some visitors are harmless and leave when spring emerges; however, some like borers never leave and will feed on your tree until it is destroyed.
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Soil composition is an important part of managing a tree’s nutrients, but it’s commonly overlooked by homeowners which leads to Poor Soil Composition.
As homeowners, many of us haven’t thought about how this heat is affecting our trees and shrubs. Follow Our Tips To Help Your Trees Beat The Summer Heat
It took years before we learned that putting in a driveway would do irreversible damage to our oak tree. In the end, my driveway destroyed my tree
Is Your Tree on Fire? Bacterial Leaf Scorch Video: Watching videos can be a great way to supplement your understanding.
Beavers causes unsightly damage on the trucks of trees. Extended damage will even cause trees to come crashing down into your yard.Protect Your Trees
Checklist For Summer Storms covers the best tips and advice for general preparation, day of preparation, what to do during a storm, and what to do after.
Wondering If Your Tree Was Hurt By The Recent Rain? Chances Are It Was. Excessive rains cause a multitude of nutrient, oxygen level, & fungal issues.
Properly applied mulch provides a lot of benefits to your tree; however, if you use too much mulch you are doing damage to your tree.