2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
“Trees live perfectly fine in the forest without help so why do I need to care for my tree?” The fact is urban trees face a different environment and different challenges that make them harder to care for than rural forest trees.
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Types of Live Christmas Trees: Find Out Which Christmas Tree Your Family Should Choose! Learn The Pros & Cons Of Each Type Of Christmas Tree.
To minimize the winter stress your tree will experience, help your tree prepare for winter using the tips below. Fertilize, Mulch, Anti-Desiccants, etc.
Are ladybugs invading your home? You’ll be surprised to learn these aren’t actually ladybugs. Instead, they are invasive Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles.
80% of urban tree decline is a result of bad soil & root health. Root issue symptoms will be widespread through the whole tree especially the canopy.
It is important to prepare your trees in case a hurricane or another large storm system hits our area. Learn how to prepare your trees.
Are your leaves turning yellow? This is interveinal chlorosis and most likely a sign of a micronutrient deficiency (typically Iron or Manganese)
Diseases That Attack After Big Rainstorms: Fungal diseases thrive in wet & warm weather. After lots of rain, expect an increase.