2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
Boxwood Blight: First discovered in the US in 2011, is a fungal disease that causes the defoliation of Boxwoods and similar species.
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Honeydew & Sooty Mold: Have you ever encountered annoying sticky sap coating your car, furniture, or walkway that’s under a tree?
Signs Your Tree Is a Safety Hazard: It's important for homeowners to take a look at their tree to see if it’s dangerous.
Signs Your Tree Is Sick: Are your trees quietly suffering from stress, disease, or insect infestation? Do you know what signs to look for?
Celebrate Arbor & Earth Day
Proper Mulching, Is The Way You Mulch Doing More Harm Than Good? Learn The Proper Techniques and Importance Of Mulching.
Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive species that has been found across the eastern United States and is making it's way to the DC Metro area. Learn what signs to look for and how to manage it.
Cherry Blossom Festival
Signs Of Spring Fungal Leaf Diseases: If you notice any of these signs of fungal leaf diseases on your plants, it's essential to take action.