2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
Bagworms, found throughout the Eastern United States, are a major pest for evergreens. These insects are known for the cone-shaped bag they create around themselves, hence their name. These insects damage trees by feeding on their foliage.
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Crape Myrtles Dripping Sap - RTEC Treecare, we can handle all your Tree and Plant Health Care needs. Insured, Accredited and Certified.
5 Diseases to Look Out For This Summer: Monitoring plants for signs of disease, practicing good cultural practices.
7 Insects To Look Out For This Summer: Learn what insects pose a danger to your trees and shrubs this summer.
Helpful Summer Tree Care Tips: Help your trees withstand the challenges of hot and dry weather, promote their health and vitality.
Stop Heat Stress - RTEC Treecare, Our Certified Arborists are ready to diagnose any problems that might be happening on your property.
Common Rose Issues: Roses can be susceptible to various problems that can affect their health and appearance.
As hurricane season is upon us, we want to pass on our tips on what you can do to help your trees survive summer storms.
Aphids, Sap, & Ladybugs: aphids feed on sap from plants and excrete honeydew, which attracts ladybugs and other insects that prey on aphids.