2828 Mary Street, Falls Church, VA 22042
RTEC Treecare
Recent Virginia weather has peaked deer activity. Learn more about the results of this and how it affects those trees in your backyard...
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What is the best way to take care of my lawn in 2022? Protect your lawn (trees and shrubs) with a few simple steps... Learn More.
From the Christmas tree farm to your living room, presents pile up beneath it -- the Christmas tree! Evergreen trees have been a symbol...
When should I care for my trees? Fall? Spring? Drop everything you think you know about tree care at the door and learn more...
Learn why some leaves are worth raking, others are better off remaining, and what you can do for your trees if those leaves have to go...
A complete guide to the best services to protect your trees and shrubs. Keep your plants healthy and protected...
Soil composition can be detrimental to your trees root system when compacted. Learn about the life and breath of your tree, and our solution
As we welcome winter, it is crucial to think about its implications on our plants. Learn about RTEC's Winter Protection Program...
Gearing up for winter? Protect your trees and shrubs from pests with an all organic solution. Read interview to learn more...