Hi there! We’re RTEC. You probably know us as the friendly, scientific professionals who care for your trees and shrubs, and that’s something we are very proud of. However, we think it’s time to give you a deeper look into who we are as a company. Read on to learn about our Core Values and what we do to live by these principles every day.

We were established in 1996 as a small, family-owned business and have grown exponentially since then. We took an important step toward professionalization in 1998 when we became the first Virginia-based company to achieve accreditation by the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA).
In addition to growing our team, professionalizing our services, and investing in top-of-the-line equipment, we have worked hard on defining who we are and what we stand for. When we looked at the traits our employees exemplified, we identified 6 core values that define us and give us a roadmap to live by. Below, we’ll share our core values and what we think they bring to our clients.
1) Continuously Grow
We believe that to provide the best service for our clients, we must constantly look for ways to improve. We look beyond the status quo and are committed to investing in state-of-the-art technology, tools, and training to deliver top-tier solutions for you and your landscape.

2) Deliver Results
From the moment you reach out to us to the moment we step off your property, we make sure to leave no loose-ends and to deliver the results we promised. We always ensure that each step is completed to the best of our ability so that we can keep our commitments to you. We will also leave your property better than we found it.

3) Have Integrity
For us, it’s very simple: if we make a commitment to you, we will honor it. If we fall short, we will make it right.

4) Have Confidence and Modesty
We are not afraid to admit when we’re wrong, and we’re not afraid to stand up for what’s right. We think our motto, “Doing the Right Thing for People and Trees” captures this perfectly.

5) Take Ownership
While we strive for excellence all the time, if there ever comes a time when we are unable to uphold our commitment to you, we will take responsibility. We believe there is no room for excuses when doing the right thing. For us, doing the right thing also entails being part of the solution. Our experts don’t just point out problems they see on your property – we’ll always bring solutions to the table.

6) Be a Team Player
You may wonder how our team dynamic affects you as a customer. Believe it or not, it has everything to do with the experience you get from us! Great communication amongst our team results in the best service possible for your trees and shrubs. Not only are our employees experienced and constantly undergoing training to improve their skills, but they also have access to each other’s specialized expertise to ensure you get a well-rounded solution.

To learn more about our journey to becoming the company we are today, please check out the Tree Care Industry Association’s feature in the May issue of TCI Magazine: https://tcimag.tcia.org/business/rtec-treecares-six-core-values-form-the-basis-for-accreditation/
To learn more about how RTEC is giving back to our local community, check out our non-profit’s website: https://environmentaljusticealliance.org/
To meet with one of our Certified Arborists and experience our Core Values in action, book an appointment online or call our office at 703-573-3029.