“With New Roots Comes New Shoots”
Are you looking for a project this new year? Look no further.
At RTEC we believe in doing the right thing for people and nature, and we encourage others to do the same. This new year, the best project we can suggest is taking care of yourself – and that includes the area that surrounds you!
Studies have shown that being around trees and shrubs has the ability to improve the human immune system, decrease high blood pressure, lower obesity, and boost overall health. Just being around trees and shrubs carries that potential. So what steps can you take to curate the landscape of your dreams and achieve the best you?
Set an Intention
Whatever your goal may be (ie. Having strong, healthy trees your grandchildren can play on) get clear on what you want and why you want it. Intent serves as a driving factor for achieving the things that we do. The bedrock of our work at RTEC is our intent to do the best we can for you and all of nature.
Take Action
Now that you understand your why, lets talk about how. First, communicate. Sharing your vision allows others, like our team at RTEC, to apply our expertise to your specific situation. Setting up a consultation with a Certified Arborist is a simple action that can lead to a long-term collaboration. Lets work together to complete that New Year’s Resolution!
Relish in the Results
Those simple mornings walking to your car to leave for work are made just a little sweeter when you can look at the tree you planted with your family knowing that it is cared for.
In the end, reflect on how you got to where you are and what it took to get there. Set yourself up for success by taking preventative action through automated features – like our Canopy Protection Program. We’re here to help as you create the space of your dreams for this moment and years to come. Happy New Year!

Let’s grow your future!