Happy National Love a Tree Day! It’s no secret that we love trees. While we celebrate trees every day, we couldn’t resist taking advantage of another fun tree-related holiday to share how much we love these beautiful and complex organisms.

Why Trees Deserve our Love
Reason #1: Trees increase your property value
It’s a well-known fact that well-maintained, mature trees help homes to sell quicker and can even increase property values by as much as 20%.
Reason #2: Trees save you money on electricity and gas
We think trees are pretty smart. They provide shade in the summer, keeping cooling costs down, and let sunlight through in the wintertime which reduces heating costs.
Reason #3: Trees clean our air
Trees protect us from serious health complications by absorbing dangerous air pollutants and providing vital oxygen for us.
Reason #4: Trees keep our water clean
Trees retain rainwater on their branches and leaves, reducing the amount of stormwater runoff that ends up in our water.
To learn more about what trees do for us, check out our article: https://rtectreecare.com/benefits-of-trees/
What You Can Do to Love Your Tree Back

Click to learn more about each topic
Our Favorite Tree Species
It sure is hard to pick! While we love all trees, there are a few which hold a special place in our heart:
- Yoshino Cherry – You may recognize these beautiful blossoms because these are the cherry trees on the National Mall in Washington, DC. We love Yoshino Cherry trees for their impressive pink flowers.
- Flowering Dogwood – Another popular feature in many local landscapes, the Flowering Dogwood is the official state tree of Virginia. We love Flowering Dogwoods because of the variety of gorgeous colors available (white, pink, and red)
- White Oak – White Oak trees are known for slow growth and wide spread of their canopies. We love White Oak trees because of their longevity. The White Oak was selected as the official state tree of Maryland because of one particularly hardy specimen in Wye Hills, MD which is considered the best in the U.S.
- Redbud – These showy trees boast beautiful purple flowers in early spring and heart-shaped leaves later in the season. The Eastern Redbud is actually native to the DC metropolitan area; in early spring you can see these beautiful blossoms on volunteer trees on the side of the road or in the wood line along the interstate.
Celebrate National Love a Tree Day with Us!
National Love a Tree Day is tomorrow, May 16th, 2021. Celebrate with us by sending us a photo of your favorite tree for a chance to have your tree featured on our Instagram page.
Speaking of Instagram, do you follow us yet? If not, click here to check out our exciting extra content including tree facts, info about our nonprofit, project highlights, and so much more!
Want to Show your Tree Some Love?
Call us at 703-573-3029
Book an appointment online to meet with a Certified Arborist