My Tree Is Dying From The Top Down
If Your Tree Is Dying From The Top Down And You Want To Know Why You’ve Come To The Right Place
The top of your tree, also known as the crown, should be the healthiest part of your tree. If your tree is dying from the top down it is experiencing a common but serious tree symptom call crown decline. Crown decline can be caused by many issues including, root stress or damage, insects, drought, and bad soil composition.
Root Stress or Damage:
If the roots are damaged by recent construction, are suffering from soil compaction, or suffering from girdling root syndrome the tree may exhibit symptoms of crown decline. Roots stress is typically the main cause of crown decline. Tree preservation plans during construction, watering, bio-stimulants, and soil de-compaction are all important steps to keep your tree’s roots from experiencing stress.
Exit hole from the Emerald Ash Borer Insects:
There are certain types of insects that will begin to kill your tree from the top down. For example many bark beetles, including the bronze birch borers and emerald ash borers, cause crown decline symptoms. If you think insects may be an issue on your tree check for entry and exit holes in the trunk and branches of your tree. Woodpecker activity is another indicator of beetles as well. If your tree is suffering from an insect infestation it will most likely need a properly applied insecticide treatment.
Trees that suffer from drought typically die from the top down and from the outer branches in. Other drought symptoms include wilting and yellowing of leaves and twig dieback. You can combat drought by thoroughly watering trees and mulching to retain moisture. To find out how much water your tree needs check out our watering article.
Bad Soil Composition:
Soil composition is an important part of managing a tree’s nutrients. Soil is made up of minerals, organic matter, water, and air. When these levels get out of balance they can stop the tree from absorbing the nutrients it needs to survive. This can lead to crown decline, yellowing of leaves, and other common tree symptoms. If soil makeup may be causing your issue a Certified Arborist can test a soil sample and perform treatments to adjust your soil back to a healthy composition.

It’s important that your tree get the right diagnosis if it is dying from the top down. The wrong diagnosis and treatment can further damage your fragile tree. Tree Is Dying From The Top Down; If you want to save your tree, make sure to get a Certified Arborist to properly diagnose the root cause of your tree’s symptoms and implement a treatment plan.
If you’re concerned about your trees or are noticing signs of concern, reach out to your Certified Arborist today. Get a free estimate by booking online or calling us at 703-573-3029.
Call: (703) 573-3029
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