Did you know June is National Rose Month? Roses have a long and colorful history. They have symbolized love, beauty, war, and politics throughout centuries. The Rose itself has been dated back to 35 million years old and its current family tree contains 125 different species of roses occurring naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
Give Your Roses Some TLC
Since it’s National Rose Month it’s only right that we give our roses some extra TLC. One of the best ways to do this is to give your roses a summer pruning. Summer pruning of roses will encourage new blooms as well as keep the bush attractive. It is also useful to keep the overall shape of the bush and to keep it from encroaching on walkways.
Want your roses to look top notch this summer? RTEC can help! Our crews are trained and experienced in pruning roses. You can rest assured that your roses will look beautiful this summer when they are taken care of by RTEC. Schedule a free consultation by calling 703.573.3029 or booking online.
Don’t have any rose bushes?
You can grow your own DIY rose bushes by following the directions below.

What You Will Need:
- 1 long stemmed rose
- chopstick (or similar object)
- gardening gloves
- mason jar
- hormone growth powder
- shears (sanitized with alcohol)
Step 1: Choose an area for your rose bush. Make sure it gets plenty of sunlight and has adequate water drainage.
Step 2: Use a chopstick to make a hole in the ground. Make sure to push the chopstick all the way into the ground and then remove it.
Step 3: Wearing your gardening gloves, make cuts along the rose stem. Cover these cuts with hormone powder.
Step 4: Place the stem of the rose into the hole fully, until the flower head is touching the ground.
Step 5: Places a mason jar over the stem making sure to keep your rose well-watered.
Step 6: Wait 9 months for the cutting to take root then enjoy the beginnings of your rose bush!
P.S Don’t forget to call RTEC when your new rose bush needs pruned!