Are Coming Are You Ready?
This spring, an extraordinary event is happening in our region
and other parts of the United States: trillions of cicadas are emerging from underground after more than 17 years. This hasn’t occurred in over 200 years.
These cicadas have spent the majority of their lives underground, feeding on tree roots.
The Buzz
Once they come out, males make loud buzzing noises to
attract female cicadas for mating. Despite their noise, cicadas don’t harm humans. After mating, females lay eggs in tree branches, which doesn’t really hurt the trees.
They actually benefit the environment. Their emergence
creates holes in the ground, which helps aerate the soil and lets water flow better. They’re also a tasty meal for many animals like birds, turtles, and even dogs (though vets recommend they only eat a few). When cicadas die, they decompose and provide nutrients to the soil, acting like natural fertilizer.

It’s important that your tree get the right diagnosis. The wrong diagnosis and treatment can further damage your fragile tree. Make sure to get a Certified Arborist to properly diagnose the root cause of your tree’s symptoms and implement a treatment plan.
If you’re concerned about your trees or are noticing signs of concern, reach out to your Certified Arborist today. Get a free estimate by booking online or calling us at 703-573-3029.
Call: (703) 573-3029
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