Are you wondering what all the buzz around bees is? These friendly pollinators, and others like them, have a lasting impact on the world we live in. From the food we grow to the flowers we smell. Imagine a word without them – cold and colorless. To learn more about the different insects you can find just outside, continue reading.

What are beneficial insects?
Beneficial insects are just that – insects that support and add value to their surroundings, like flowers, fruits, and crops. Typically they are categorized under three different categories.
- Pollinators
Pollinators are insects that pollinate (aid in reproduction) a variety of flowers, fruits and crops.
2. Predators
Predatory insects work to eliminate, oftentimes by eating, harmful or destructive pests. They are nature’s own pest control!
3. Parasitizes
These insects, similarly to predators, work to eliminate pests. However, they do so by laying their eggs on these pests. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed off the host.
What are some examples of beneficial insects?
While there are many different types of bugs and varieties of each species, they all benefit us in some way or another.

Other distinct species include; Stink bug, Praying Mantis, Hover flies, and ground beetles.
Do you have a garden? Read more about how these good bugs can support your gardens growth!
What is the difference between beneficial and non beneficial insects?
The answer may seem obvious – one helps and one hurts. The relationship between these
Looking to fight off those bad bugs with good ones? Learn how here!
Want to learn more about our organic beneficial insect release?