Summer in the DC area can bring a unique set of landscape issues. As a company, we know that summer is best spent enjoyed with loved ones rather than worrying about your trees and shrubs. To make your life simpler we’ve summarized the top summer landscape issues and how you can combat them without taking time away from your summer fun.
#1: Dry/Compacted Soil
Compacted and dry soils are common at this time of year. When the temperatures are high and not enough water enters deep into the ground, the soil around your trees and shrubs can become compacted. Compaction is a serious issue and can lead to health and root issues that could eventually kill your tree. The first step in combating compaction is properly watering your tree. However, if your soil is already compacted aeration will need to be performed to allow oxygen and organic material to repopulate your soil. Learn more about aeration and compaction.
#2: Poison Ivy & Nuisance Plants
Poison ivy, English ivy, and nuisance plants, are a constant and serious issue on properties during the summer. It is commonly known that poison ivy can cause an uncomfortable and sometimes serious rash. However, most people don’t know that other invasive and native vines can pose a serious threat to their trees. Vines that grow around or on your trees compete for nutrients that would ordinarily be uptaken by your trees roots. Certain vines and nuisance plants can choke and strangle you tree’s roots. Not to worry, we can help eradicate Poison Ivy, English Ivy, and nuisance plants from your property, through scouting and treatment. You should be able to enjoy the use of your yard this summer without worrying about the comfort of your family.
#3: Heat Stress & Browning Leaves
The extreme heat we have been experiencing in the DC area recently has wreaked havoc on the trees in our landscape. Heat stress, also known as sunburn and leaf scorch – (not to be confused with Bacterial Leaf Scorch), can occur on any species and is typically seen after prolonged periods of hot, dry, and sunny weather. Heat stress is very similar to winter burn and occurs when the roots of a tree cannot supply water to the foliage as rapidly as it is lost by transpiration (essentially evaporation) from the leaves. This issue can leave your property looking droopy and unappealing. RTEC’s stress proof program can help your trees and shrubs weather the heat stress this summer all while saving you time and energy.
Let’s be honest, the best summers are spent enjoying your property with loved ones – not taking care of it. Trust our Arborists to combat your landscape’s specific summer issues in order to keep your property top notch and enjoyable all summer long.